In this space, you can view my weekly blog posts and research

Final Year- Major Project

<aside> <img src="/icons/gears_pink.svg" alt="/icons/gears_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Research and Planning

Major Project Roadmap

Major Project Ideation


Week 00: Introduction

Group Project- Zeitgeist

Week 01: Group Projects Review

Week 01: Idea Generation Workshop

UX Belfast: Changemakers

Week 02: Group Project “2050 Zeitgeist”

Week 03: 3 ideas for Major Project

Week 04: Group Seminar

Week 05: Branding

Pitch + Presentation

Major Project Proposal

<aside> <img src="/icons/search_green.svg" alt="/icons/search_green.svg" width="40px" /> User Research

UX Mapping

Low-fi Prototype


Week 06: Tutorial Groups

Week 07: Reaching Out to Biodiversity Organisations + Brand Revisions