This week we were put into groups to discuss our 3 ideas so far. Each of us would given a quick overview of each idea and then there would be a 10-minute or so discussion. As a group, we would vote on each other’s ideas and make suggestions.

When it was my turn, the group had a vote on which of my ideas I should pursue further. It was a majority vote to continue with idea 2: Biodiversity project that helps visualise the outcome using AI and VR. They also gave me some ideas for packaging. When delivering the wildflower seeds to users, I could use seed paper and biodegradable ink. That way they can plant the paper and the whole process is very sustainable.

example of seeded paper with instructions written on it

example of seeded paper with instructions written on it

This week I intend to research the problems with biodiversity and record keeping. This is to gain the context needed to ensure that there is a gap in the market that my project can address.

Understanding the Potential Problems