This week I updated my brand name and wordmark slightly, I also started workshopping some logo design ideas. I used this week to start emailing a lot more environmental groups and organisations for information.


I wanted to reach out to some biodiversity and environmental organisations, to gain some insight into what their frustrations might be with getting the general public involved in their campaigns and if they have any useful information for me as I complete this project.

Last week, I emailed Butterfly Conservation. I told them I was a student at Ulster University and that my final project is about biodiversity conservation and how we can help improve biodiversity from our own gardens. This was Rosie Irwin’s response:


I have emailed other members of organisations to get some general insights from them but so far I haven’t had any replies.

Brand Revisions

I wanted to change my brand name from ‘Wildling’ to ‘Wilding’. Wilding is a more recognisable word and people were having problems pronouncing ‘Wildling’ so I decided to update this.

Asset 18Wordmark.jpg

I also wanted to revise my colour scheme as that shade of green was not sitting right with me. I also felt I needed more bright colours in my scheme to be used as accent colours.

Colour Palette.png

I used this week to start sketching out some logo ideas as well. My initial idea was for the logo to just be that leaf shape on the letter ‘g’ in the wordmark on its own.


In my sketchbook I experimented with other types of logos, all incorporating that leaf shape from my wordmark. I listed my 4 favourites on the left side of the page.

I liked the organice nature of the second option and its ability to become dynamic by growing more leaves and getting taller.

Bellow is an illustrated version using my new brand colours.

Asset 22Logo green.svg

I’m happy with this version for now but it is something I expect to revise and update throughout the development of this project.